There are special fabrics called stain resistant for their characteristics. Thanks to their structure they make liquid and stains penetration impossible into the fabric.
The tissues offer of Doimo Salotti for the fabrics models collection grows with EVIA, a stain resistant tissue. With the already present EMI, this fabric enlarge the client’s choice. EVIA has the main characteristics of normal fabrics: it is comfortable, transpiring soft and can have modern and attractive look.
Thanks to the innovative nanotex treatment it is water and oil repellent, so it prevents liquids and stains from penetrating through the fabric and gives high ability to remove stains. The good performance against stains and the aesthetic quality of the fabric are guaranteed over time, even after numerous washings (more than 30 washing).
EVIA is the right compromise for covered your sofas to enjoy it thoughtless. It is stain-resistant at the molecular level because the fibres of the fabric itself are stain-resistant. Even in the presence of stain penetration in the fabric it does not set, then it can be removed by simple stain removing or by traditional washing. The treatment is invisible, the performances are high.
In Easy Charm collection EVIA is presented on Philip model. Designed for the real relax, Philip is a sofa to live without thought. Combining the pattern with a stain fabric of these features enhances convenience. The sofa is adjustable in shape: linear or peninsula, available in different sizes. Particular feature of the model is the choice of armrest that can be of two depths, 72 and 99 cm.
The stain resistant fabric EVIA can be use on every models of Sartoria and Easy Charm collection. The tissue offers 10 colour variants with all the same peculiarity.
If you stain it, don’t worry! Cleaning it is easy, that’s the secret.
Discover EVIA and the others fabric on Doimo Salotti.
Main characteristics of the fabric:
- Coffee stain-resistant
- Beverages, wine, sauce and oil stain resistant
- Eeasy to wash stains away
- NANOTEX treatment resists 30 washings in washing-machine at 40°
- Highly waterproof even after many hours
- Allergen-free dyestuffs and treatment
- Anti-bacterial and anti-mould due to its very nature
- Highly wear-resistant